Sunday, August 30, 2009

In Plenty or in Want?

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13

Not the traditional wording for the time (richer or poorer)—the title words were part of my wedding vows—in 1966. We wanted something different and our pastor definitely came through for us. I have always especially liked the book of Philippians and particularly chapter four. I have claimed verse 13 as a promise many times and admired Paul for learning and sharing his secret of contentment. Wait a minute. I need to read that verse again. He said he learned the secret of being content in any situation, but did he reveal the secret as I just said he did?

I decided to consult, “John Gill's Exposition of the Bible1.” Gill confirms that Paul knew what it meant to be lowly and how to conduct himself, “not to be depressed and cast down, or to fret, repine, and murmur:” He also knew what it meant, “to excel; to be in the esteem of men, and to have an affluence of the things of this world, and how to behave in the midst of plenty; so as not to be lifted up, to be proud and haughty, and injurious to fellow creatures . . .” These were the lessons given to Paul throughout his life. Lessons which he acknowledged came through the strength given to him only by God. He was keenly aware that he was powerless without God’s strength and stressed this lesson. He “directed others to be strong in the Lord, and in, the power of his might, and in the grace that is in Christ,” according to Gill.

Plenty or in want . . . most of my life I am thankful to say that we have been in plenty, not that we never struggled, but we had enough to pay the bills and were quite content. I must admit I haven’t been so content the last year and a half. My husband and I are learning to be content in want. We want him to land another contract. In fact, we need him to land another contract. God knows our need and yet, my husband has struggled to find work (no contracts during nearly half of the time since April 2008) and we have had more family crises and medical bills than ever before in our 42 years of marriage. We have had to withdraw all our resources to survive and they will soon be gone.

What can we do? Nothing and yet Everything . . . through Him who gives us strength! How? I haven’t a clue, but God does and I trust him to carry out his promise! I can still be content, I can lift up my spirits, I can be strong in the Lord through the power of his might, and most importantly, I can remain steadfast in the grace I have through Christ. Grace, oh the wonderful grace of Jesus. I will praise him in the morning, noon and evening and look forward to seeing how God works this all out.

What strength we have when we can operate in the joy of the Lord in plenty and in want.

Trustingly—Marcia Walthers August 24, 2009 11:47 p.m.

1 The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible, Modernized and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of . All Rights Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario

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