Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Beginning-Again

A friend recently told me that she missed the devotions I used to write daily. I told her that I had been thinking I should resume, but as yet had failed to take action. Her encouragement placed conviction upon my heart, along with the devotions I read each day written by the well-known Oswald Chambers. His writings compell me to think deeply and carefully in ways and about things which touch my life in new ways, under new circumstances, and in my ever-changing world.

My life has always been full of change, I have often said I would do this or that when things returned to normal, being sure to add, "whatever normal is for me." God has finally chosen to reveal to me what "normal for me," is. Normal for me is whatever is not normal. Now I can relax because I don't have to think that any longer. What a relief. My life is normal according to God and it is going along just the way He has it planned. Who am I to mess with God's plan for me? I'm His child, His princess, that's who, and since He is God, unlike our earthly parents, He is perfectly capable of knowing all my little quirks and idiosyncrasies and while He does give me a choice, He urges me to accept His plan by developing a strong relationship with His Son, Jesus. I've found there is no better plan and pray you do, too.

So, I'm not promising to write every day just yet, because I'll have to take a few days off to have a little back surgery and spend a few days in the hospital. We'll see how God works while I'm there and if there are more changes I'll be learning about. Until then, find someone who needs a hug and give them one of yours.


Amy Ellen said...

Good start there Miss Marcia, well hmmm I guess I will go hug someone guess who it's gonna be....................................... you as soon as I see you but tomorrow it will be Miss Lilyan Grace. Yeah!!!!
Hugs Amy

Candy said...

Thanks for your devotion, Marcia. I don't think there is such a thing as normal. God has a plan for each of us. I guess the "norm" for the world is what you would figure most people are doing at any particular time like dinner hour, bedtime, stuff like that. I don't know, maybe I'm way off base, which would be normal for me. LOL
Praying for your surgery and that you will feel good and be able to resume the fun things in life soon.
I think my doggy needs a hug.

Love you and God bless,

Keri said...

Yeah it's so good to hear your thoughts again Marcia!! I can't wait for more!! Love you